Dunn Police Athletic & Activities League

Dunn Police Athletic & Activities League


Mission Statement

VISION STATEMENT of DUNN P.A.L. A community where all children have the support and opportunity to succeed.

MISSION STATEMENT OF DUNN P.A.L. Local police officers partner with community members…

To provide a safe place for area youth to engage in after-school educational programs, enrichment activities, and athletics that build positive character.


Established in 1995, Dunn Police Athletic & Activities League, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to giving back to the community by spearheading afterschool programs for children. The activities we organize include, but are not limited to various sports like basketball, wrestling, flag football, and others. Our goal is to keep kids in school, playgrounds, and other safe environments in order to give them a better chance of achieving the bright future they deserve.

Far too many times, we have seen kids who had so much promise and potential succumb to negative influences that derail their education and their life as a whole. There is nothing more heartbreaking than seeing a kid with such a bright future ahead of him (or her) lose sight of their dreams and fail to live up to their potential. We want our kids to grow up to be well-disciplined, educated, successful productive citizens who will one day lead our nation.
